TTFM 6.1

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The Pulsar TTFM 6.1 communicates over Modbus using ML – Generic Endian.

Default serial baud rate is 9600, NE1.

First read Input Registers 947 (Velocity Units), 948 (Flow Units), and 950 (Volume Units) to determine which “Units” registers to read.

For example, if 947 returns a 1, the Velocity Units is m/s. So the data is stored in Input Register 3 (Flow Velocity – m/s Input Register Floating Point Register). Reading Register 1 (Flow Velocity – ft/s Input Register Floating Point Register) would give a 0 or a random number.

Note that on SCADACore, the address to be read is -1. To read Input Register 3, SCADACore would need to be setup as 3,2.

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TTFM 6.1

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