Alarm Configuration

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Alarms are created and configured through the “Alarm Configuration” menu, accessed by clicking the bell icon.

Alarms are created and assigned to a specific sensor/data point, and then assigned a call list.

  • Alarm Enabled: Disabled alarms will not update on the alarm history
  • Assigned Call List: Selects call list to receive alerts for this alarm
  • Description: Alarm label. Used to differentiate similar alarms in the alarm history
  • Comparison: Determines whether to trip the alarm when the value is Less Than, Greater Than, Equal to, or Not Equal To a specified value. Alarms on Boolean values may only use the Equal To comparison
  • Value: Threshold to trigger alarm, with respect to previously selected comparison
  • Alarm Message: Message sent to users when alarm is triggered.
  • Clear Message: Message sent to users when alarm is cleared.
  • Alarm Debounce (Delay): amount of time the alarm must remain tripped before alerts are sent

Note: When Alarm Debounce is enabled (>0), the system requires a second poll from the device after the delay period to confirm the alarm. Take into consideration your device’s poll rate when configuring Alarm Debounce.

On creation, alarms are populated with a generic description and messages.
In the alarm and clear messages, “$loc” is replaced by the location name, and “$val” is replaced by the current value of the sensor

Communication Alarms

Comm alarms, accessed from the “Communications” tab, are used to send alerts when no new data has been received for a specified amount of time.

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Alarm Configuration

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