Secure Connect

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Secure connect allows E&I Techs to connect directly to the flow meters or PLCs on-site saving a time consuming site and costly site visit. All SCADACore cellular devices are protected behind a firewall, therefore, they are not accessible directly to the Internet.

SCADACore has designed an innovative method for allowing Instrumentation and Programmers to connect directly to the PLCs to allow for troubleshooting of meters using native software without sacrificing any of security.

Access to Secure Connect

In order to use Security Connect a SCADACore Administrator or Company Administrator needs to provide access to the login. This can be done through the User Node and Permissions tab in AdminLive.

After the role is assigned the user will have access to the Secure Connect feature on the webpage (this feature is not available on the mobile app).

Activating Secure Connect

Clicking on a location will take you to the details pages. From here you will see a Cog Icon in the upper right corner

A Secure Connect button will appear:

If the Secure connect button is not available please contact the SCADACore support team or your Company Administrator to provide you with the correct permissions.

Secure connect window will popup allowing users to Active a Device

After activating Secure Connect the window will pop up providing an external IP address and an external port that can be used to connect to the device. In this case a Floboss 103.

The Group and Address are displayed next to the device (240,240) in the format (Group, Address)

You can connect to this floboss using Group 240, Address 240, External port (listed in the Secure Connect Window) and Port 4042.

Removing IP Lock

One of the main security features of secure connect is locking the access to the secure connect port to the “Locked to IP” section

There are some cases (particularly with mobile hot-spots) where the IPs will change. In that case you can remove this security lock to IP by clicking on the ‘X’.

Note: By doing this anyone on the Internet can access the device temporarily. So it should only be used if absolutely necessary.

Extending Time Limit

By Default you are only given a 30 minute time-limit. After the time expires the connection will close. You can extend the time by clicking the refresh icon next to the Time Left.

Allen-Bradley Devices

Allen-Bradley devices require the port 44818 to connect to the devices remotely. Since SCADACore cannot provide that port to all our users we have added a companion app that can be downloaded and installed on windows computers.

Click the link to download the companion app.

Microsoft may give a warning about unrecognized apps.

Click the “More Info” Button and then run anyway

A simple app will pop-up asking you to enter the IP address and port that is listed on SCADACore:

Once it is connect you will be able to access Allen Bradley devices using your local IP address of and port 44818 to connect to the devices.

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